
Be kind and be happy


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Dear reader, kindness can change for the better someone´s life. Think of others. They have their own problems, for sure.

If you are kind, you will make them feel better. Focus on giving them value. Say something that brightens their day. Small things are what matter most:

  • A few encouragement words when you see they are discouraged…
  • Just ask them whether they are fine…

By the way, are you fine, dear reader? I hope you are, and if you are not, be grateful for what you have

Are you healthy? Yes? I ´m so happy you are!

No? Be grateful fot the healthy parts of your body!

Make people feel important. Listen attentively to them. Make their life better, understand their needs.


Often you are kind by anticipating people needs.

For example: you are in the lobby of your building talking to someone when you see a neighbor loaded with shopping bags.

How convenient it would be for him that someone could open the door! You think of him and decide to do a good action: you open the door for him.

Good boy! I did not expect less from you!

If you look for anticipating people needs, you will do much good.


A last advice: if you are the one discouraged, something you can do is encourage others to overcome your discouragement. When you encourage people, you use positive language, and words are very powerful: they affect your mental state. If you have positive thoughts, you avoid negative thoughts entering your mind.

I hope you feel great, dear reader. I just wanted to be kind to you, brighten your day, make you feel fine. Have I got it? I hope so, and remember that the best is yet to come

Enjoy your day!

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